Monday, January 24, 2011

Selfish dreams.

Hiya people~

I decided to try write more in english, because I know it is lot easier to some of my friends, which aren't from Finland. I'm not very good at this, but I hope that I won't make too much mistakes.

Hmmn, where to start... Well, my kneecap dislocated last monday at school. That hurted so much, that you can't even imagine. I lost consciousness and was close to shock. When I woke up on the floor my knee was on fire. I started to scream and cry, I didn't saw anything else than the floor and few of my friends somewhere near. Someone pick the school healthcarer to me and she called an ambulance. It was the first time I was in ambulance, so it was kind of cool :'D At the hospital they said that it was very good that somehow my kneecap was snapped back to it's place and they gave me a week release from school (;______;').

My week were very boring, I couldn't do anything
because I needed to rest and be careful with my leg. I was on computer nearly 13 hours in day watching anime, playing games and chatting with my friends.

Now I can walk almost as good as always, but I'm still very careful, I don't want that to happen again.

All I can say is: I really hate
over rolling joints .____.'

Mihashi thanks~ *bows*

Now playing: Blood on the dancefloor - Candyland.

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